Saturday, December 10, 1892


S. of V.-Meet in Parker’s hall, second and fourth Saturday of each month.  W. H. Selleck, Com. Frank Kruhn, S. V. C.; J. L. Runyan, J. V. C.

BAPTIST CHURCH-Mr. Bailey, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.  Evening services at 7 p.m.  Sabbath school 12 m.

ST ANN’S CATHOLIC CHURCH-Rev. J. F. Clancy, Pastor.  Services every other Sunday at 9 o’clock a.m.

METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH-E. W. Ward, Pastor.  Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sabbath School at 12 m.  Children’s services 3 p.m.  Class meeting 6:15 p.m.  Bible study Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer meeting Friday, 7 p.m.

GERMAN EVANGELICAL CHURCH-Rev. Wm. A. Schuester, Pastor.  Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Evening service at 7:30 p.m.  Sabbath school at 9 a.m.

GERMAN EVANGELICAL ST. PAUL’S CHURCH-Rev. E. Rahn, Pastor.  Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Sabbath school at 9:30 a.m.

LOUNSBURY LODGE No. 751,-Meets at their hall the second and fourth Saturdays of each month.  C. H. Austin, W. M.; L. A. Powers, S. W.; F. W. Shipman, J. W.; H. T. Abbott, Treas.; F. O. Willmarth, Sec.; W. J. Hanower, S. D.; Wm. McCredie, J. D.; A. Gleason, T.

BARRINGTON POST No. 275, G. A. R. Department of Ill. Meet every second Friday in the month, at Parker’s hall. E. R. Clark, Commander; L. F. Elvidge, S. V. C.; R. Purcell,. J. V. C.; A. Gleason, Q. M.; A. S. Henderson, O. D.; C. G. Senn, O. G.; Henry Reuter, Sergt.; F.A. Lageschulte, Chap.

W. R. C., No. 85-Meets the second and fourth Wednesday of each week.
Mrs. Ada Selleck, Pres., Miss Bertha Seebert, Sec.

M. W. A. Camp 809-Meets first Saturday of each month at Lamey’s Hall.  E. R. Clark, V. C.; John Robertson, W. A.; Fred Kirschner, B.; M. T. Lamey, clerk; William Antholts, W.; P. A. Hawley, E.H.; H. S. Meier, S.

Place your fire and accident insurance with Miles T. Lamey, resident agent for several of the leading insurance companies.

Mr. and Mrs. P. Grady of Dubuque, Iowa, are visiting his mother.

There was a surprise party at the home of Mr. H. Diekman Saturday evening, given by his friends from Palatine.

Dr. E. W. Olcott and wife of Chicago were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cady Sunday.

DIED-Nov. 30, 1892, of mambraneous croup, Susie, youngest child of Mr.
and Mrs. L. F. Schroeder, aged 4 years, 14 months and 5 days.

Mr. Chas. Lines has been taking a lay off, and with his wife visited relatives at Harvard, Wauconda and other places during the time.

Grandma Winter is now in Chicago on her way to White Hall where she is to remain for some time visiting relatives.

The young people had a pleasant Sleighing party one evening last week.

Miss May Downing of Chicago was in Barrington last Sabbath visiting and calling on her friends.

Mr. August Pahlka received severe injuries at the gravel pit last Friday, the gravel caving in upon him.

Mr. Gibney, one of the old settlers in this vicinity, is very sick with
heart trouble.  At present writing he is some better.

The concert at the M. E. church last Sunday evening was largely attended. The program was short and well carried out.  The collection was for the
Freedmen’s Aid and Southern Education society.

Mrs. Alice St. Clair will move her millinery goods to Nunda.

Another wreck occurred on the Chicago & Northwestern railroad Monday night.  Two freight cars were ditched, blocking the road for a short time.  No one was hurt.

The annual election of officers of the W. R. C. will take place at the G. A. R. hall at the next regular meeting, Wednesday evening, Dec. 14.  All members of this organization are most earnestly invited to be present to cast their vote for their different officers for the ensuing year.

Each of the different churches are making preparations for some entertainment on Christmas eve.

With the large increase of business during the past year I have enlarged my stock and find my present place too small and inconvenient.  I have made arrangements with A. W. Meier for the large room in his new building, in which I will move next week and will be able to give the public a good assortment of everything in
the line of hardware, stoves, milk cans, etc., at prices that cannot be
beat.  Yours respectfully,
L. F. Schroeder.

The Zurich House Exchange and picnic grounds, in a lively growing town, doing a big business.  Owner wishes to retire.  Apply to Al. R. Ficke, Lake Zurich, Ill.